As I sit here on the eve of my thirty-second solar return, all I can do is be thankful. I mean... damn. My life is wonderful. I’m open. This is me after I’ve manifested an abundant life, and I’m watching my blessings rain down.
Is it just me or do we hold ourselves more accountable when our birthdays are nearing? We push for our goals even harder. I definitely wanted to get rid of some of this pregnancy weight. Although it has gradually come off over the year, I actually lost about ten pounds in the last month by eating a vegetarian diet. BUT I relapsed, ate meat for a week (fast food at that) and pretty much gained it all back. Just in time for my birthday! I’m not tripping though. My hips ain’t never lied. ??
My biggest goal this year was to carve out my own space. You know, create my niche in this world. This world is full of so many thoughts, actions, and ideas. They begin to bombard us at birth. So, I pushed through, making my way past the ideals of me. And I didn’t need to push others out of the way to get my elbow room. My objective is not to compete. My objective is to breathe and be open.
This 32nd year I am declaring that my path is open.
I put that on my ankh. I’m open. No blockages. My path is open. I’m casually strolling in my eminence.
Faith Underwood
Update: My Birthday was wonderfulllllllllll! I spent time with my family, had an amazing breakfast prepared by my boo, and was showered with love. I also received a rose quartz pendant and my very first orgone device!!!!! So, I'm paying the blessing forward and giving away a beautiful tumbled rose quartz crystal! The rules are easy. All you have to do is answer the question on the flyer in the comments. One winner will be announced tomorrow (11/30/19). We should love ourselves through every stage of our life. Tell me, what do you love about yourself right now?
It is Notorious November! Bridging the gap between fall and winter, November is a month of spiritual awakening. It is also the month that I landed on this planet. For these reasons, I thought it was the best month to premier my Using My Magic (UMM) Series. This is a series highlighting entrepreneurs, and their journey into using their magic to bring their dreams to life!
My first feature is someone who awakens my spirit. She is bubbly, optimistic, and her energy is contagious! And the icing on the cake is that she is a November baby too. I’m excited to introduce you to Samari Walker, owner of Ginger Galore.
Ginger Galore (GG) is an all-natural health and beauty line, which includes products made from ginger to be used internally and externally. Samari specializes in herbal teas, face masks, and face scrubs. Many other products include lip scrub, lip balm, body scrubs, body butters, foot scrubs, detox bath soaks, and bath bombs.
For the record, I have tried her teas, scrubs, and body butters myself. They are legit! Ginn & Juice is my favorite tea. It is definitely a southern sweet tea with a spicy kick of ginger. I’m a repeat customer. I can show you my receipts!
Faith: What made you choose to start GG?
Walker: For a period of time, I was getting sick very often. I started researching ways to build my immune system and I found “ginger tea.” I was not a fan of ginger at all and overlooked that option. Later, I finally decided to give ginger tea a try. I liked it! I added more ingredients until I had a recipe I really liked. I drank my tea every day and noticed I wasn’t getting sick. I didn’t get sick for a whole year! There was one instance where I stopped drinking my tea a little bit before for a trip. I became really ill. As soon as I got back, I drank my tea and my cold was gone in two days. I gave it to family and friends who were sick and they had the same results that I did… they were back to themselves in as little as two days. It was then that I realized my recipe was special and the world needed it.
Faith: How did your other products come to life?
Walker: I began selling “What’s The Tea.” Although I knew I had a great product, I didn’t want to sell only tea. One day, I was riding in the car and the idea to sell beauty products with ginger being the base popped in my head. It really felt like a light bulb just clicked on, and that’s when I decided to go full force and create GG.
Faith: Let’s talk about business. You ranked time management as most important when it comes to running your business. I definitely agree. Marketing was listed has your second most important process. Explain more.
Walker: I was never interested in marketing. Now that I am a business owner, I realize how important marketing really is. I had to learn all the dynamics. I have to be extra creative and think outside the box in order to reach all the different types of audiences. I am still not a fan of marketing but it’s definitely growing on me. I’m learning new marketing strategies every day and applying them. I read books to help me as well. My favorite marketing book is Contagious by Jonah Berger. Faith: Marketing may not be your favorite task, but I couldn’t tell. Your eye-catching photos of your products should snag all types of audiences. Who is one of your biggest entrepreneurial influences? Maybe even someone whose marketing style you admired? Walker: Nipsey Hussle was and still is one of my biggest entrepreneurial influences. Nipsey had really great ideas to market his music.
He sold his Crenshaw album for $100 each! I was so motivated to build something of my own when I saw him start The Marathon store. I started watching his interviews. He made me realize that I could be the diverse and all-around person I always wanted to be. I began to understand that I could have multiple businesses just like he did. I always dreamed of being involved in many different things and start multiple businesses but I didn’t know how to do that and maintain a specific, non-contradicting image. Nipsey Hussle taught me that I can and will do it big! Rest In Paradise Ermias Joseph Asghedom.
Faith: What has been your proudest moment thus far?
Walker: My proudest moment was realizing I was really going to bring GG to life and on July 19, 2019, I did just that! I launched GG to the public. It was such a magical, overwhelming, and surreal moment in my life. I was so happy to have something I could finally call my own! I received so much love and support from all of my family, friends, and people I didn’t even know. I was shocked. The love was real and truly appreciated. Faith: I know the feeling, and I am so happy that you received such an outpouring of support. You will continue to see this support because of the appreciation that you show! Knowing this, fast forward to one year later, where do you see GG? Walker: In one year, I see GG really taking off. People will be ordering my products from different states. I am investing a lot of time, money, and marketing into GG. That includes creating new products every month and getting them out to be sampled in order to see what products people are gravitating to. With that being said, I also see me discontinuing some products and focusing more on what people really enjoy. Faith: I love that you are continuing to move forward by focusing on the products that your customers find most beneficial. That releases your time to new projects. Plus, you could always do a throwback release! Walker: Yes! A throwback release would be a great idea. Thank you so much!! Faith: And thank you for being a part of the UMM series! Your story is inspirational, and I can’t wait to see you and GG grow! Before we say goodbye, do you have any encouraging words for anyone looking to start their own business? Walker: The best advice I can give is to just start! After you start, everything will fall into place and I mean everything!! Also, trust and believe in yourself and your idea. God didn’t give you this brilliant idea for you to sit around and doubt yourself. Lastly, take all feedback as positive feedback! Listen and contemplate on all the feedback you receive; you never know what ideas you can come up with. Get Connected with Ginger Galore
Use your magic! You can check out more of Samari’s products by visiting her website. And don’t forget to enter the raffle for a FREE Galore Body Scrub!
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AuthorFaith Underwood Archives
December 2024