"You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather."
- Andre 3000 I'm returning to the basics. Writing out my thoughts to release anxiety from the constraints of this ever changing world. Allowing my words to once again drift from my mind to paper has been helpful for me. I do not journal daily, but it is a goal that I'm striving for. In the meantime, I'll be sharing some of my journaling moments here in the digital Diary of Faith. And you are welcome to comment or journal with me. I'm releasing my PRAY MANIFEST JOURNAL line soon. Written on October 15, 2021 Things fall apart, but they also come together... In many ways and at the least expected times. Piece by piece, they gravitate to each other to create the bigger picture. It's the waiting in the "coming together" that feels uncertain. And I don't want, or need, to lose my certainty. Essentially, I wonder if I'm seeking stillness in a place of "I made it" while the ground is constantly moving. Rearranging and reforming to create a new bigger picture. A grander portrayal of my life as the infinite knows it. As my "picture" is only a pixel. Zooming back into my thoughts, I hold a high regard for all of the moments, be they painful or pleasurable, that led me to the lucidity of my certainty. Forever grateful, Faith. |
AuthorFaith Underwood Archives
December 2024